Anti-Slavery Statement
Pluginjobs Anti-Slavery Statement
Company Overview
Pluginjobs is the #1 job site in the world with over 350 million unique visitors every month. Our mission is to help people get jobs. We strive to put job seekers first, giving them free access to search for jobs, post resumes, and research companies. Every day, we connect millions of people to new opportunities.
Pluginjobs is used by job seekers with varied backgrounds and skill sets from around the world. The employers using our platform to hire also come from a wide variety of industries and locations. We are acutely aware that while talent is universal, opportunity is not. Therefore, we are focused on building products that promote fair and equitable hiring, partnering with organizations around the world that share our mission, and providing key resources for job seekers that face barriers to employment. Learn more about our approach at
Pluginjobs also has a diverse range of suppliers and third party commercial relationships that are central to the successful running of our business. We are committed to taking appropriate steps to ensure that everyone who works for Pluginjobs and its affiliates – whether a member of staff, contractor or supplier – benefits from a working environment in which their fundamental rights and freedoms are respected.
Pluginjobs and its affiliates are directly or indirectly owned by a publicly traded Japanese parent company, Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd..
Pluginjobs implements a number of guidelines and policies that outline our respect for human rights, including our commitment to take action to prevent all forms of modern slavery in our ecosystem. Our Human Rights Commitment defines our approach to respecting human rights and applies to our entire operations, including our platform and supply chain. Respect for human rights is also outlined in other external policies such as our Vendor Code of Conduct, our Privacy Policy, AI Principles, and Job Posting Standards as well as in our commitment to Environmental Social & Governance (ESG).
A number of internal employee guidelines also uphold human rights principles and values, including our Code of Conduct, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Guidelines, Gift Guidelines, Anti-Bullying, Anti-Harassment & Anti-Discrimination policies, and Whistleblowing Guidelines. All employees are required to read and attest to these guidelines on an annual basis.
Due Diligence Processes
At Pluginjobs, we strive to undertake regular human rights due diligence, in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to identify, assess, prevent, and mitigate human rights impacts associated with our business activities and business relationships. Pluginjobs aims to identify opportunities to further embed human rights into products, policies, and operations.
We recognize that there are human rights risks that are particularly relevant to our activities. In 2023, we conducted a company-wide saliency assessment with external experts, which included engagement with internal and external stakeholders. With this learning, we will strive to advance our approach and conduct further human rights due diligence in our operations and supply chain. We will continue to regularly assess Pluginjobs’s salient risks and monitor the effectiveness of our due diligence processes, including our processes to prevent, identify, and remove content on our platform which contravenes our policies.
We recognize that our efforts to respect human rights is an iterative process that will require us to engage with all stakeholders to whom we need to listen and from whom we need to learn.
We recognize that some groups may be at greater risk of adverse human rights impacts due to their vulnerability or marginalization, such as women, children, and migrant or piece-workers. We strive to pay particular attention to the rights of vulnerable groups, including our jobseekers who face barriers to employment. Our Social Impact team leads a number of initiatives designed to reduce the bias and barriers faced by marginalized groups, including jobseekers with a criminal record.
Risk Assessment and Management
Pluginjobs leverages the specialization of key teams to address threats for all users, based on a number of risk factors, through carefully designed indicators, signals, or red flags which may represent different forms of risk. For example, Pluginjobs has a dedicated Anti-Human Trafficking Team (AHTT) within our Trust and Safety function that actively monitors our platform for content that may have indicators of human trafficking and child exploitation. The team is responsible for taking action against such content.
Pluginjobs is also currently enhancing our supply chain due diligence programme to assess human rights risks in our Tier 1 suppliers. Our Vendor Code of Conduct specifically prohibits the use of forced labour and child labour, and any suppliers, or business partners that aid, abet, or are complicit in such acts may be subject to sanction, including termination of employment or contract.
Training on Modern Slavery
Our Human Rights team is responsible for the development and delivery of our human rights strategy, including awareness raising and capacity building. In 2024, the team rolled out a comprehensive human rights e-learning to all Pluginjobsians, with a particular focus on the issue of modern slavery. The team actively monitors completion and supports Pluginjobsians to embed respect for human rights throughout our operations.
Pluginjobs also provides ongoing training, guidance and support to all employees and contractors on our codes of practice and company guidelines. Both our Legal and Human Resources teams monitor policy compliance, relevant training completions, and work to ensure our company values are upheld. The teams also regularly review policies and associated training to ensure they are updated to reflect any regulatory changes and emerging best practices.
Dated: 03 November 2024